12/24 UPDATE: 因風雪持續,路面和教會鏟雪情況等變數太多,為弟兄姊妹的安全起見,週末的燭光晚會將會取消。明天祟拜改在Zoom 進行。沒有實體聚會。
Due to the dangerous blizzard and uncertainties of road and church plowing conditions, our Saturday Candlelight Service will be cancelled. Additionally, the Council has decided to move Christmas Sunday Worship to Zoom only, no physical gathering.
BCCC Sunday Christmas Service 2022 Time: Dec 25, 2022 09:30 AM
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/97989367742?pwd=bENxd2lnMkFkS1ZrOUY3Y2lWV3Mxdz09
Meeting ID: 979 8936 7742
Passcode: 763
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